ProcessFactory is Enterprise Orchestration, done right.

We're building out platforms, frameworks and tools to help businesses improve how they work, and how they bring together their existing IT landscape. 

What we’re doing

Our mission is to provide platforms, tools and expertise to enable our partners and customers to deliver structured collaboration applications, including business process management, orchestration, integration and insights, rapidly and at a wide scale.

A long time ago, in a process far, far away…

Our story starts ten years ago, when we were involved in designing and building a new loan origination and management application. We realised that designing a system with a powerful workflow engine as a foundational component, rather than as a bolt-on, would enable both more rapid development and the ability to more easily adapt the final system to many different customer’s varying ways of doing business, with little impact on core system functionality. Years later, we’ve put all our experience with and thinking about building workflow applications into the ProcessFactory platform.

We’d love to work with you.